Friday, February 10, 2017

Berlin memorial

I learned that there were many rules to take away all the rights that Jewish people had, the Nazis goal was to make all Jewish people's life as miserable as they possibly could. Jewish doctors weren't allowed to treat people who were sick, all transportation for Jews were taken away. They weren't even allowed to ride a bike because they had forbidden them to, everyone would've been either late or had lost their jobs. Throughout the whole day, only an hour was given for buying food, if people were working there wasn't a way to buy food unless you asked someone to do it for you. If people were caught on the streets, they were either beaten or thrown in prison. All radios that Jews had owned were taken away, so Jewish people wouldn't have been able to keep up with what was happening in the world.Before the rules started everyone had to go to the town hall to write down if you were Jewish or any other culture, Nazis tricked people into telling if they were Jewish or not. All these ruled were set by Nazis to make sure that Jewish people had very little rights.

The monument was most likely built to signify how the world was before, and how depressing everyone had been when they were ordered to live a life without many rights. It also payed a tribute to those who were strong enough to survive or get past the way they had been through.

I noticed that through the years, each law had gotten worse. In the beginning, education was taken away, but as time passed everything was taken away to guarantee that their lives would be miserable. Radios had been taken away so there wouldn't be a way to learn about things that were happening, home phones and public phones weren't available to Jews. So there wasn't a way to speak to other people, public transportation had been taken away. They either had to walk even if it was 15 miles away, or they wouldn't go to work and got fired. Bicycles were allowed for them either, they couldn't go swimming.

No public transportation would've been the most troubling restriction, if there weren't any transportation available. A lot of bad things might happen, people might die because they wouldn't travel to the hospital fast enough, if someone were to give birth. They probably wouldn't make it on time, so the baby might've been born in their home or on a street or sidewalk.