Friday, October 14, 2016

Giver blog post

        In the Giver,by lois Lowry. The main character Jonas is a dynamic person,he starts to care for others throughout the story.If someone is in pain he tries to help get rid of the pain.“He was confused,noisy,foul-smelling place.It was daylight,everywhere,and the air was thick with smoke that hung,yellow and brown,above the ground.” This quote was in chapter 15,page 18.This memory took placed because the Giver(Jonas friend/mentor) was having a painful memory.He asked Jonas to help him with the pain.Jonas decided to help him so he wouldn't suffer from the memory.Another way Jonas has changed,is because he's started to get new feeling and desires he

       In the Giver,by Lois Lowry.Jonas is being effected by many characters in the book.One character that helps him change,is the Giver.He is helping by giving Jonas memories,some bad memories,but then some really good memories.The setting in which Jonas is in,helps him discover the differences between rights and wrongs.For example,the memory of war.Made him realize that he didn't know and his friends didn't know what war was actually like,so when his friends were playing a war game.It triggered a memory of war.One good memory that he was given,was the memory of Christmas and love,at first Jonas wasn't able to describe the feeling of love,"I couldn't quite get the word for the whole feeling of it the feeling that was so strong in the room.Love,the Giver told him."Chapter 16,page 125. The memory of Christmas,made him get confused on what to describe the feeling that was in the room."On the floor there were packages wrapped in brightly colored paper and tied with gleaming ribbons.As Jonas watched,a small child began to pick up the packages and pass them around the room.

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