Friday, May 26, 2017

This I believe blog

 Don't forget those you love
By:Benny Cortez              
Death, it has/will affect everyone at some point. Whether your pet died, friends, or loved ones. There is a pain you will feel thinking about them and how they had an impact in your life, eventually the the memories will bring joy to your heart when you think about all the good memories. Vivid images will make you feel happy. Sometimes sad, but every moment you were with them you will be grateful for,

Even if you lost someone you had close feelings with, even if you hardly knew them. But you had strong feelings for them, you will continue to have feelings for them. Try as you may, you won't be able to get rid of the feelings or memories. But sometimes people don't want it feel the emotions anymore, so they force the memories away as if they didn't exist. They will still remember them no matter what, but they still choose to force the memories away. If you get the chance, you should go to where they're buried. Talk to them, make amends with them. Bring them things flowers when you visit, even though they might not see them. They will be loved from beyond your point.

I believe people shouldn't try to force the memories away, we should treasure the moments we were with the people before they passed. All you'll be doing is  hurting yourself. Even if memories aren't in your all time, simple things can bring a memory come back. I believe you should keep all the memories and feelings, they will help you persevere through tough times. Some memories can help you get through something you're struck on, if it’s work, school etc. I believe we should e joy every moment that everyone is alive and well. The good and bad moments, sad and happy, pain and joy. Even if you may not agree with everyone, it's best to be glad that you can still talk, see and hear them. No one is sure when they will die, or how it will impact the people around them.

Not long ago my grandfather passed away, I knew him only as a baby. I hardly remember him and how he looks. Pictures my mom has shown me, and stories help give me an idea of how he looked. Even though I might not remember everything about him, I'm grateful it got to meet him. My sisters never met him, I was lucky enough to. No one had seen my grandpa since I was 4, he moved to Mexico because he had other family over there he wanted to be with. Only a few family members knew where he was. No one contacted him. This happened in September or November. He had some flaws, his biggest was he loved to drink. Which was a mistake, before he died he lost his leg.

I've learned to appreciate every moment I have with my family, my cousins, grandparents, parents, sisters, aunts, uncles, etcs. I try my best to be around my family so I can make amends with them about all the mistakes I've made with or around the. In the future I will visit my family anywhere they are.

Everyone should keep the memories about the people who have passed alive, even if you may not have gotten along with them well. You will regret not being nice to them, or spending time with them. If you lost someone you loved, don't forget or push the memories away. They will comfort when you aren't in a good mood, they will continue to help you feel good about yourself and life.

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