Thursday, December 22, 2016

Home burglary

The trouble that has or had affected homeowners negatively
Home burglary, a problem that has affected many people negatively. Around 18 seconds, at least one report of burglary has been reported. This adds up to 200 home invasions every hour. In a single day approximately 4,800 burglaries have happened. In a single year, approximately 2,000,000 burglaries are reported. If you have a home security system you have a higher protection, burglars try to stay away from homes that do have a home security systems. Most home invasions between the hours 10 am-3pm, 5 hours in which homes can be targeted. Even though you may not be able to relate to the issue that many people have faced, you still can take some tips and be safe to avoid this from happening to you. Always lock your windows and doors, because 30% of break ins are because of a some type of unsealed doorway and/or window.

Home burglaries,one problem that many people have faced. Every year, around 2,000,000 burglaries are reported. 30% are from an unlocked window and door. 66% are from home breaks in from residential areas. Most burglary reports are  during the summer,studies show that people without home security systems are 300% more likely to get broken into. Every 13 second a home intrusion is committed,2,000 cars end up are stolen every year. There are a variety of ways to protect your house, home security is one very effective way.They're other ways if you don't have a home security system. One way is to cut large amounts of roots, or bushes so in case a burglar has the idea to try to break into your home. The first thing they will notice, is that they don't have anywhere to hide.If you're out on vacation, you could tell a Neighbor to help you make it seem like you're home, in the winter they could leave foot tracks leading to your door; and leave tire marks in your driveway. During the summer, you can pay them to mow your lawn. If not, you can leave lights on to make it seem like you're home. You can also turn the volume of your doorbell down and have a radio playing, to make people think you're home and can't hear them.

When I was living in Chicago, my neighborhood would report 1 case of burglary every month or so. Luckily, my family never had to report one. But after 4 years of living in there, we had to move out because my Mom was going to have my baby sister. So we moved into Berwyn a month after my Sister was born, we wanted my sister to grow up in a good neighborhood.A couple years later someone tried to jump our fence and break in. We only found out because our dog started barking, at first we thought he needed to go outside. So we opened the door for him to go, when it opened half way he sprinted outside and started barking. We had heard a scream, when we looked out the window we saw someone jump over the gate and get inside a car. That was the last time we have had a problem, when we had visited our cousins. I Guess they had faced the same problem, because they bought a home security for the front and back door. Almost every door in the house had some kind of protection, anytime we would open the door as siren would go off and a voice would announce where a door would open. Even if you were to slam a door or close something to hard,it would trigger the alarm

Monday, December 5, 2016


In my article,Donald Trump is trying to start a relationship between China and the U.S.At first Trunp called China a “Currency Manipulator”,but now he has called China to try to make a powerful relationship between the 2 countries.Trump called China's president,Xi Jinping.After the talk,both president and president electi came up with an agreement.Trump vowed to impose a %45 tax on Chinese imports.Jinping agreed to help Trump,”Make America Great Again”As soon as they came to an agreement many people started worrying.Foreign Policy Experts from China were nervous about the trade war between China and the U.S.Li Yonghui,who is a dean at The Dean Of The School Of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University said at an interview that Trump’S emphasis on domestic affairs.Might create more tension between the 2 countries,he also added that Chinese leaders need to be prepared.If for the possibility that Trump might increase pressure on Beijing.Many others are worried that Trump may abandon the international agreements.I think this is important for everyone to know,because people should prepare for anything that might or will happen.

To me,this article is important for the world to know;because this tells everyone what the future possibilities can be.Many citizens are already giving their own opinions,A dean of a university in China thinks the friendship can help ease tension between the 2 countries.But,he also thinks Trump will cause more stress towards Beijing.Many others believe Trump might betray the international agreements.Others are preparing for the worst to come.Many people already have their own opinions towards the friendship,most are negative some are positive.But it is most likely that Donald Trump might start a war,some think Trump might mess up the “Trade War.”This in my opinion this will be both good and bad,good because if the friendship is well.It might help China and the United States issues.But it's bad,because if someone makes one another get mad for some reason,this might lead to a war between the 2 countries.

The authors purpose to have written this article is to inform,because the author wanted to inform citizens of the United States and China.This is is important because everyone now knows what might happen in the future.Many people from China are thinking the friendship will not end good.China's citizens were nervous and scared that Trump might break the national agreements.The thing that is making many citizens worry is the article Trump was threatening to reveal.In the beginning,Trump called China Currency Manipulator,the only reason China's president
agreed to the friend ship,is because of the 45% tax income that they were promised.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Appreciation blog

This year, I'm grateful for the things I've received. grateful for is the friends I have, most of which are new. I'm happy that I don't get into that much trouble, workroom is another thing I'm grateful for. This gives me more time to complete the work that I need. I'm grateful to get past the problems I've faced this year, and the one's my family have passed to. I'm grateful for my parents. My mom who takes the time to help me with school work, or any other problems. My dad who gives me rides to places when it's cold outside, and for the time he sets to help me if I'm in trouble at school. My grandparents who I'm lucky to have, my grandma who helps watch my sisters. My grandpa who is a hard worker,he works 14 hours a day. My grandma who is 49 and my grandpa who is 52. My 2 younger sisters.both who are annoying. But they still do there part to help. One who is in 4th grade,9 years old. My other sister is who is 3, even though she is the most challenging. She still helps by picking up her toys. I have no older siblings, because I'm the oldest. But, I have my aunt who is 20, she is the closest thing I have to an older sister. I grew up with her, I helped her face her when she would feel lonely. She helped me in school, we're only 7 years apart. My other aunt who was always helping my family when we used to struggle. When they moved away 5 years ago, things got a little hard for her. She moved in with her boyfriend, 1 year later she had my cousin who is 4 now. The middle aunt, who would always try to have fun with me and my sisters. Our dog,who is 7 years old now. Shares the same birthday as my younger sister, (May 29) . Every year we by our dog a bone and a new bed. Even though its my sisters birthday and the dogs, they both share the love that they receive.

Monday, November 21, 2016

AoW Review

2 years ago,43 Mexican college students in Mexico went missing.No one is sure where they are.there were no clues to where the students gone.The government has gotten more into the case over the years,especially since the mystery is still open till this day.There were few witnesses,many have different perspectives to what had happened.Still there are many investigators that are trying to find clues,and resources towards where they could've disappeared to.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Independent reading book blog

In my book The Son of Neptune,by Rick Riordian.The main character Percy Jackson,woke up without his memory in a temple.When he woke up,he was approached by a wolf,who said that she would be able to help him retrieve his memory.So after wards (the present) he is fighting monsters.While he is running to safety,a woman (the goddess or wolf) asked for his help,the woman says that her feet are swollen so she needs his help,Percy asked for her name.The woman says her name is June,Percy asks her about who she is.Junes response doesn't really help him, but she says if he helps her.Percy would get a good chance at getting his memory back.So Percy helps to carry June,while the monsters are chasing them.Percy see's a tower,he asked if they would be tracked.But June assures him that they will be safe,after they reach the tower.Theyre approached y a girl and a boy.The boys name is Frank,while the girl who is the leader is named Hazel.Frank helps Percy,after they reach another tunnel.While Hazel went to fight the monsters.Percy isn't sure about where it leads,he guesses a mountain.But June tells him it leads to Rome.After they reach the end,Hazel catches up to them.With her armor torn and her hair messed up,she tells them that the monsters would be there at any minutes;so they prepare for battle.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Journal entry

On October 24,2016 the Cubs had won a game that had led them towards winning the championship.In order to participate for the final game,they had to defeat their competitors.Also known as the Dodgers,the Cubs had won 4 out of 6 games against the Dodgers.This event took place in Chicago,the Cubs territory/most supportive spot.This is a vesry special moment because the last time the Cubs and made it towards the work series was in 1907.It has been over a century since there last championship.This is one thing Chicago would always remember,if they win the championship.This would be a huge celebration that all Chicago would be doing.

Monday, October 31, 2016

The many sacrifices by veterans

The sacrifices that soldiers made for to their country is limitless,they put our safety before theirs.Knowing that they wouldn't make it out of combat alive,they still sacrificed their lives for us.Even though some veterans are unknown,each one is thanked in different ways.Veterans had to move away in order to protect their family and others,they had to go through painful moments.Some have been traumatized because of the things they've witnessed and gone through,some have lost a lot for many people.

Friday, October 21, 2016

AOW October 21,2016

      Diana Nyad,64 years old.Swam from Cuba to Florida.Diana has attempted to swim from Cuba to Florida 5 times before,even though she has failed before.Diana has learned from her mistakes in the past.Jellyfish was one of the problems Diana had in her way.Diana hired a jellyfish expert who helped her with a bodysuit and mask,another issue Diana had were the waves.

After solving problems that prohibited her from achieving her goal,she was finally able to accomplish her goal on September 2,2013.When Diana had first tried to swim,she had used a shark tank.But she had failed,so other tries she tried to come up with more strategies.But even as Diana came close to completing the trip,she would have to stop because of the cramps she would have.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Giver book and movie

The Giver movie and The Giver book have different settings,some ways that The Giver settings are different are.Colors are actually told/shown at the end of the movie,and the way Jonas had discovered color for the first time was different from the book.In the move,he had first seen it in Fiona's hair,in the book he had noticed it from an apple..Some ways the book and movie are the same is there is no color that is shown,everything and one is in black and white.

In The Giver movie and book,there are a lot of differences.For example,most of the jobs the characters are given aren't the same between the movie and book.Fiona is shown and brought up more in the movie,Asher's personality is different from when it is in the movie.Also,the characters look older then they're described in the book.

Some similarities between The Giver movie,and The Giver book.One example are the ways the color is described in the book,the whole movie was in black and white.The Giver book and described it like that too.But,most of the characters look the same way they were described in the book.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Giver blog post

        In the Giver,by lois Lowry. The main character Jonas is a dynamic person,he starts to care for others throughout the story.If someone is in pain he tries to help get rid of the pain.“He was confused,noisy,foul-smelling place.It was daylight,everywhere,and the air was thick with smoke that hung,yellow and brown,above the ground.” This quote was in chapter 15,page 18.This memory took placed because the Giver(Jonas friend/mentor) was having a painful memory.He asked Jonas to help him with the pain.Jonas decided to help him so he wouldn't suffer from the memory.Another way Jonas has changed,is because he's started to get new feeling and desires he

       In the Giver,by Lois Lowry.Jonas is being effected by many characters in the book.One character that helps him change,is the Giver.He is helping by giving Jonas memories,some bad memories,but then some really good memories.The setting in which Jonas is in,helps him discover the differences between rights and wrongs.For example,the memory of war.Made him realize that he didn't know and his friends didn't know what war was actually like,so when his friends were playing a war game.It triggered a memory of war.One good memory that he was given,was the memory of Christmas and love,at first Jonas wasn't able to describe the feeling of love,"I couldn't quite get the word for the whole feeling of it the feeling that was so strong in the room.Love,the Giver told him."Chapter 16,page 125. The memory of Christmas,made him get confused on what to describe the feeling that was in the room."On the floor there were packages wrapped in brightly colored paper and tied with gleaming ribbons.As Jonas watched,a small child began to pick up the packages and pass them around the room.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Welcome to my blog

My name is Benny, I am in 8th grade. One of my goals this year is to be more active. I will play sports and join a team to put my skills to the test. If I want to join a team, I will practice a lot in order to make the team. The team that I will try the most to join will be soccer. Soccer is my favorite sport, i play soccer at every chance I get.

Soccer is on of my favorite hobbies, I play soccer everyday after school at my house, I play with my neighbors the street, when I go to my cousins house. I bring a soccer ball and we play in the front yard.