My Favorite book that I'm currently reading, is The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. This is my favorite because it is a follow up on the original series of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, this was the first series Rick Riordan has made. This is my favorite book because it has most of the same characters from the first series, there have been more heroes (half blood as they're described/named in the series) that have been added which play important roles. Each character gets a chance to explain their backgrounds and how they managed to enter the camps. In my book they're two different camps that have different fighting styles and beliefs. One camp is Roman, which is the older belief in which gods were more violent. The second camp is Greek, which is more retro because they were believed to have gone extinct. Both camps don't like one another because of the different ways they live. The main characters who are in my book are Percy Jackson, and Annabeth. There's more but haven't been introduced yet. Percy Jackson is the Son of the god of sea (Poseidon in Greek, and Neptune in Roman), since Percy is the Son of the god of sea. He had the ability to use water as a weapon, Percy can also use water to move around when/if he is nearby the sea. Annabeth is the Daughter of Wisdom and Craft (Athena in Greek, Minerva in roman), Annabeth is a natural born leader and has great strategy in combat.
In my opinion, I've made an improvement when it comes to researching links that are credible. Now when I research I know what specific websites I can use to give accurate information, such as .Org, .Gov. The more I learned to find reliable resources, the better I can be when finding information in the future.
One thing I am proud of that I've accomplished this year is learning about the Holocaust and know some of the struggles many people had to go through in order to survive through the dark time. Before I didn't know that many facts about the Holocaust but as we read Night by Elie Wiesel I began to understand what people (specifically Jewish people) went through when people were taken out of their homes and taken to concentration camps. Most died before they even were put into forced labor, it was a hard time because most were starved and killed each other for even a small portion of food.
In my 40 book challenge, I am currently on my 28th book, this is counting the books we have read in class. But I have read books in other classes, such as Social studies and science. The independent reading books I've read have been mainly fiction books. I've barely started my book, but when I finish the book it will be the 29th book.
The most challenging part of the 3rd quarter is when we had to make our own butterfly and analyse our poem and give explanation on how life was for the original author. To overcome this I paraphrased what the author was describing, such as the mass killing for no reason and the number of bodies and open caskets that were all over the place. Then, I tried my best to perfectly put where I wanted to add the information so it would go with the topic.
Since August my blogs haven't improved in many ways, such as spelling and vocabulary and grammar. My word choices began to improve, if I made a mistake I would go back and correct it. Didn't matter if it was spelling or grammar, I would go back correct the errors and improve them.
T.I.Q.A and C.R.A.A.P, T.I.Q.A format has helped me get better at writing. In a way in which I could get information from a website, book, article, etc and use it correctly to tell my claim and the facts that come with it. C.R.A.A.P has helped me find websites that are reliable when it comes to finding support for an argument that I've chosen.
I've learned that the world has many different problems that not many people try to fix. Such as animal cruelty, whether it's a zoo, owner, or testing. No one has paid attention to find alternative ways to not make animals suffer. Racism and segregation is still happening in different parts of the world. Slavery still exist, people are still forced to work with no pay and bad conditions. Stereotypes have gotten worse, specific immigrant group aren't allowed to enter the United States because of the background of what's happening in their original home/country.
Like I said before, my research skills have improved because now I am able to tell which sources are reliable and which aren't depending on who wrote them. The most source that I believe is the most reliable, are the ones that end with either .Gov, or .Org. These give the bets quality information, in which that can be trusted.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Life is beautiful blog
Life is beautiful is similar to night because Awhito is the Father of Joshua and is married to Dora, as they get onto a train about to be deported. They stick together, along with their Uncle. In the transportation and work scenes, Awhito does his best to hide the bad situations. When the nazis star telling people to "take a shower" and kill them, Awhito hides Joshua from the nazis. As in Night the prisoner help Eli and his father lie about their ages so they would die. The situations are different because in the movie the Father tries to make a bad situation not so bad, but in Night, everything is bad there's nothing good about it. Both the movie and Night are similar, because both of the fathers try to keep both sons safe, Elies Father helps keep Elie safe and gives him some of his own food. Another situation that is similar is when both families are forced to separate from each other. Also when they were being transported and put in the same train as each other. Awhito helps keep his son safe and hidden, he even gives him food and enlightens the mood. The situations are different because in the movie the Father tries to make a bad situation not so bad, but in Night, everything is bad there's nothing good about it. Both the movie and Night are similar, because both of the fathers try to keep both sons safe, Elies Father helps keep Elie safe and gives him some of his own food. Another situation that is similar is when both families are forced to separate from each other
By making the concentration camp seem like a game. But in Night, the mood is constantly sad because all around them; there's death. One similarity of mood is sadness, the Awhito and Joshua are sad because they cannot see their Wife/Mom anymore. In Night Elie and his Father are separated from his Mother and sisters
Awhito really loves his Wife Dora before they were married, he would always want to talk to her and make her look at him. In the beginning they met when she feel on top of him when she feel from a farm. The second time was when Awhito spilled eggs on a man (who originally was suppose to marry Dora), he was riding on a bicycle trying to get away but fell on her, The last time before they married was when Dora was getting married to the man, but she rides away on a horse with Awhito, this is a little similar to Night. When Elie was put in a different unit than his dad, when they would met each other when they're in roll call.
In the movie humor is shown because everywhere Awhitu goes, he keeps bumping into Dora. In the beginning the car's brakes were cut, they weren't able to stop so they were yelling for people to get out of their way but no one listened to them. When Awhitu was in the farm Dora had fallen on top of him, the second time was when Awhitu was being chased by the man and he fell onto Dora. Finally, when Dora was going to marry the man and Awhitu took off with Dora on a horse. The most humorous moments was when Awhitu was pretending the war was all a game, to hide the different thing going around him and Joshua.
Beauty is shown when Awhitu kept on running into Dora and try to impress her. Then got married to Dora and had a Son. When the Jews were being transported to the camps, Dora told the German to let her travel with her Husband and Son even though she was Catholic.Another time beauty was shown, was throughout most of the movie when Awhitu made the whole war a game for his Son so he won't get scared. He did his best and tried to see his Wife, but in the end. Awhitu sacrificed himself to save his Son, and get to see his Wife.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Night by Elie Wiesel blog post
In the book, Night by Elie Wiesel. The book shows many ways about how Eliezer has changed in many different ways throughout the book. Eliezer has changed in many different ways from the beginning of the book, to the very end. The one thing he changed the most by, was his faith towards god. In the beginning Elie was very pious, Elie would always read from the Bible. Eliezer wanted his own mentor to help him learn more about Jewish religion. The man Eliezer found was named Moshe the Beadle, Moche would always help test Elie’s ability to explain why he prayed. In the book on page 2, it says,”Why do you pray? A strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” This quote shows that the way Moshe will try to teach him would make Eliezer think a lot about why he would do what he would do. It also states, “ ‘I don't know why,’ i said, even more disturbed and ill at ease.’I don't know why.’...’And why do you pray, Moshe?’ I asked him. ‘I pray to god within me that he will give me the strength to ask him the right questions.’ “ This quote on page 2 and 3, shows that Eliezer didn't know how to answer the question, Eli wasn't able to think about why he prayed. When Elie asked Moshe the Beadle, Moshe automatically knew why he prayed. Moshe told Eli he was waiting for god to give him the strength to ask good question to ask god.
As time went on, Eliezer became less and less faithful. Elie felt as if god has been wrongdoing him, as time went on he kept think why out of all the races. God chose for Jews, a specific race to be nearly be exterminated. When it's almost been a year since the arrival at the several camps. Eliezer is questioning god. On page 63, it says,”What are you god? I thought angrily, compared to this afflicted crowd, proclaiming to You their faith, their anger, their revolt? What does your greatness mean, decomposition, and this decay? Why do You still trouble their sick minds, their crippled bodies.?” This quote explains when people were praying at the end of the year. Eliezer was thinking negatively towards god, thinking how god doesn't help those who are ill or physically disabled. Elie is saying that god doesn't help those who are suffering in some way, mentally and physically.
Another way Eliezer has changed, is by the way he stays quiet when someone is being abused or hit. On page 105 and 106, when his dad was begging for water. It says,”My son, some water...I'm burning…my stomach…’Quiet over there!’ Yelled an officer. Eliezer went on my father, ‘some water…’ The officer came up to him and shouted at him to be quiet. But my father did not hear him. He went on calling me. The officer dealt him a violent blow on the head with his truncheon. I did not move. I was afraid. My body was afraid of alps receiving a blow.” This quote shows how Eli was afraid of speaking or reacting in anyway, because he felt as if he would be hit too. So while Elie’s dad was stuck, he didn't say anything.
As time went on, Eliezer became less and less faithful. Elie felt as if god has been wrongdoing him, as time went on he kept think why out of all the races. God chose for Jews, a specific race to be nearly be exterminated. When it's almost been a year since the arrival at the several camps. Eliezer is questioning god. On page 63, it says,”What are you god? I thought angrily, compared to this afflicted crowd, proclaiming to You their faith, their anger, their revolt? What does your greatness mean, decomposition, and this decay? Why do You still trouble their sick minds, their crippled bodies.?” This quote explains when people were praying at the end of the year. Eliezer was thinking negatively towards god, thinking how god doesn't help those who are ill or physically disabled. Elie is saying that god doesn't help those who are suffering in some way, mentally and physically.
Another way Eliezer has changed, is by the way he stays quiet when someone is being abused or hit. On page 105 and 106, when his dad was begging for water. It says,”My son, some water...I'm burning…my stomach…’Quiet over there!’ Yelled an officer. Eliezer went on my father, ‘some water…’ The officer came up to him and shouted at him to be quiet. But my father did not hear him. He went on calling me. The officer dealt him a violent blow on the head with his truncheon. I did not move. I was afraid. My body was afraid of alps receiving a blow.” This quote shows how Eli was afraid of speaking or reacting in anyway, because he felt as if he would be hit too. So while Elie’s dad was stuck, he didn't say anything.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Butterfly project
I've commented on jacks, Antwon's, Alexis, Eduardo, Erik
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