Monday, March 13, 2017

Night by Elie Wiesel blog post

In the book, Night by Elie Wiesel. The book shows many ways about how Eliezer has changed in many different ways throughout the book. Eliezer has changed in many different ways from the beginning of the book, to the very end. The one thing he changed the most by, was his faith towards god. In the beginning Elie was very pious, Elie would always read from the Bible. Eliezer wanted his own mentor to help him learn more about Jewish religion. The man Eliezer found was named Moshe the Beadle, Moche would always help test Elie’s ability to explain why he prayed. In the book on page 2, it says,”Why do you pray? A strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” This quote shows that the way Moshe will try to teach him would make Eliezer think a lot about why he would do what he would do. It also states, “ ‘I don't know why,’ i said, even more disturbed and ill at ease.’I don't know why.’...’And why do you pray, Moshe?’ I asked him. ‘I pray to god within me that he will give me the strength to ask him the right questions.’ “ This quote on page 2 and 3, shows that Eliezer didn't know how to answer the question, Eli wasn't able to think about why he prayed. When Elie asked Moshe the Beadle, Moshe automatically knew why he prayed. Moshe told Eli he was waiting for god to give him the strength to ask good question to ask god.

As time went on, Eliezer became less and less faithful. Elie felt as if god has been wrongdoing him, as time went on he kept think why out of all the races. God chose for Jews, a specific race to be nearly be exterminated. When it's almost been a year since the arrival at the several camps. Eliezer is questioning god. On page 63, it says,”What are you god? I thought angrily, compared to this afflicted crowd, proclaiming to You their faith, their anger, their revolt?  What does your greatness mean, decomposition, and this decay? Why do You still trouble their sick minds, their crippled bodies.?”  This quote explains when people were praying at the end of the year. Eliezer was thinking negatively towards god, thinking how god doesn't help those who are ill or physically disabled. Elie is saying that god doesn't help those who are suffering in some way, mentally and physically.

Another way Eliezer has changed, is by the way he stays quiet when someone is being abused or hit. On page 105 and 106, when his dad was begging for water. It says,”My son, some water...I'm burning…my stomach…’Quiet over there!’ Yelled an officer. Eliezer went on my father, ‘some water…’ The officer came up to him and shouted at him to be quiet. But my father did not hear him. He went on calling me. The officer dealt him a violent blow on the head with his truncheon. I did not move. I was afraid. My body was afraid of alps receiving a blow.” This quote shows how Eli was afraid of speaking or reacting in anyway, because he felt as if he would be hit too. So while Elie’s dad was stuck, he didn't say anything.

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