Thursday, March 30, 2017

Life is beautiful blog

Life is beautiful is similar to night because Awhito is the Father of Joshua and is married to Dora, as they get onto a train about to be deported. They stick together, along with their Uncle. In the transportation and work scenes, Awhito does his best to hide the bad situations. When the nazis star telling people to "take a shower" and kill them, Awhito hides Joshua from the nazis. As in Night the prisoner help Eli and his father lie about their ages so they would die. The situations are different because in the movie the Father tries to make a bad situation not so bad, but in Night, everything is bad there's nothing good about it. Both the movie and Night are similar, because both of the fathers try to keep both sons safe, Elies Father helps keep Elie safe and gives him some of his own food. Another situation that is similar is when both families are forced to separate from each other. Also when they were being transported and put in the same train as each other. Awhito helps keep his son safe and hidden, he even gives him food and enlightens the mood. The situations are different because in the movie the Father tries to make a bad situation not so bad, but in Night, everything is bad there's nothing good about it. Both the movie and Night are similar, because both of the fathers try to keep both sons safe, Elies Father helps keep Elie safe and gives him some of his own food. Another situation that is similar is when both families are forced to separate from each other

By making the concentration camp seem like a game.  But in Night, the mood is constantly sad because all around them; there's death. One similarity of mood is sadness, the Awhito and Joshua are sad because they cannot see their Wife/Mom anymore. In Night Elie and his Father are separated from his Mother and sisters

Awhito really loves his Wife Dora before they were married, he would always want to talk to her and make her look at him. In the beginning they met when she feel on top of him when she feel from a farm. The second time was when Awhito spilled eggs on a man (who originally was suppose to marry Dora), he was riding on a bicycle trying to get away but fell on her, The last time before they married was when Dora was getting married to the man, but she rides away on a horse with Awhito, this is a little similar to Night. When Elie was put in a different unit than his dad, when they would met each other when they're in roll call.

In the movie humor is shown because everywhere Awhitu goes, he keeps bumping into Dora. In the beginning the car's brakes were cut, they weren't able to stop so they were yelling for people to get out of their way but no one listened to them. When Awhitu was in the farm Dora had fallen on top of him, the second time was when Awhitu was being chased by the man and he fell onto Dora. Finally, when Dora was going to marry the man and Awhitu took off with Dora on a horse. The most humorous moments was when Awhitu was pretending the war was all a game, to hide the different thing going around him and Joshua.

Beauty is shown when Awhitu kept on running into Dora and try to impress her. Then got married to Dora and had a Son. When the Jews were being transported to the camps, Dora told the German to let her travel with her Husband and Son even though she was Catholic.Another time beauty was shown, was throughout most of the movie when Awhitu made the whole war a game for his Son so he won't get scared. He did his best and tried to see his Wife, but in the end. Awhitu sacrificed himself to save his Son, and get to see his Wife.

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